Music Matcher
Music Matcher
UX/UI for a collective playlist creation app and website concept
Music Matcher was born in early 2023 as a last minute idea for a school project, the first version was an offline quiz app that generated an exportable playlist merging the survey's answers and using Spotify API.

In late 2023 and early 2024, the project was brought back to life and enriched with a lot of new market research and interviews to enhance the user experience, the new app includes a lobby system so that multiple persons can answer questions about their musical mood at the same time.
Albyeah and myself also developed fresh new visual identity that would match with the purpose of the app. The new mood embraces a neo-brutalist core and makes the experience more playful and less boring.

One cool new feature is in the last step of the survey, which implements a dating-app-like swiping mechanism that helps the algorithm to better understand what kind of tracks we are trying to find in the playlist